One of our favourite perks of what we do is being able to work with our clients to bring their visions to life as well as observing the resulting transformations of their indoor and outdoor spaces. Earlier in the year we had the pleasure of working with a local couple who were transforming their backyard from a blank, grassed area to a more versatile space that would not only be conducive to entertaining their friends and family but also become a sturdy and low maintenance environment for their dogs to play.

The landscaper and clients had carried a circular theme throughout the garden design and therefore our Fire Wood Stacker Log Rack fit the brief perfectly. With a few adjustments to meet the clients specific sizing requirements, our Log Rack now sits proudly next to the new bar and entertaining area as not only a functional piece but also as an aesthetic addition.

We also worked with the clients to create a custom letterbox which ties in with the theme of the backyard and enhances the home frontage. The beauty of this feature is not restricted only to daylight hours. We installed a solar light inside the base of the letterbox so that the tree and numbers are illuminated at night to welcome guests at all hours. If you look closely, the background of the photo on the right also showcases our Tree of Life decorative screen which was customised to disguise a bland Colorbond gate. The panel had only just been installed at this stage and therefore had not developed the same rich rusted patina of the letterbox but we will keep you updated with a revisit!

Steel Fire Pit on Houzz - Heathcote Project

This property was featured in Houzz this week and the finished product is just too beautiful not to share! We were honoured to contribute to this renovation and we are stoked with how our pieces have nestled themselves into their new surroundings.

Have a sticky beak at the entire backyard renovation HERE!

Cheers from The Ironbark Team