Aussies love to take advantage of the great outdoors in their own backyards, and a fire pit is the ultimate way to enjoy your backyard all year round. Once used primarily for cooking and survival, fire pits are now a source of entertainment, with style taking precedence when making a purchase. For those who love to socialise and want to bring their own flare to their outdoor area, a custom metal fire pit is an ideal backyard accessory. A range of designs are available to choose from, and finding the perfect one for your home will depend on various factors.

Here are the requirements for installing a modern fire pit in your backyard:

1. Is a Building Permit Required?

Depending on the requirements of your residential area, you may or may not require a building permit. Ensure you’re abiding by the prevailing laws by contacting the relevant departments in your local government. Furthermore, whilst owning or building a fire pit may not require a permit, depending on the state and season, there may be Total Fire Bans active in your area so check with your local fire authorities first. If you live in a densely populated region, it’s best to check with your local council and always let your neighbours know when you’re planning a bonfire.

2. What Do Your Local Regulations Say?

The regulations for using fire pits may differ depending on the state you reside in, and they are updated regularly. Check with your local council or fire department to ensure you aren’t violating any restrictions regarding wood burning or backyard fire pits before you rush out and buy one. According to the NSW EPA “NSW residents do not need approval for a backyard fire pit or barbeque.”.

If you reside in an apartment, you should verify with your Strata association or your neighbours to know if there are any rules for using outdoor fire pits. Discuss it with your landlord first if you’re renting.

3. Select Fire Pit Position Carefully Before Installing 

As the old adage says, “Measure twice, cut once”, which should be adhered to in this instance. Ensure your fire pit installation site is a safe distance from your house and any flammable structure such as awnings or overhanging tree branches, so when you’re enjoying your fire pit, there’s no chance of any mishaps. Clean up the area and remove all dry branches and leaves. Many clients need help determining what size of the fire pit will suit their home. To identify the space, we recommend using some string and making an ‘X’ in the exact dimensions of the proposed fire pit. It will help you to see how it will fit in your space and whether the size is right for your backyard.

4. Safety Precaution

When using a fire pit outside, it is vital to consider fire safety precautions and take the necessary steps to lower potential danger. You must ensure that every family member knows how to extinguish the fire and never leave young children unsupervised near a fire. Positioning the fire pit and the insulating pad underneath can play a vital role in fire safety. We highly recommend a heat-resistant compressed fibrous cement base or pavers to avert heat damage. You can purchase these from your local hardware store. Ensure your fire pit is positioned away from the house or flammable structures, including overhanging branches and dead trees.

5. Materials That Are Safe For Your Fire Pit

You need to use materials that are safe for your fire pit. Metal fire pits are robust, durable, require less maintenance and are perfect for outdoors. Metal is a conductor of heat, so make sure you place a heat proof pad of insulation beneath the pit to prevent heat damage. Rock or brick fire pits are also sturdy outdoor options but must be installed carefully. For instance, sedimentary rocks could explode due to the air bubbles they contain. So gather as much information as possible on the best rocks for the outdoor fire pit.

6. Portable or Permanent Fire Pit

A wood-burning or natural gas fuel pit will be perfect if you’re going for a permanent installation. If you’re after a portable, custom metal fire pit design like a BBQ pit, you should consider buying a stand or base for the fire pit bowl. It’s crucial to use heat-resistant materials to make the fire pit’s external structure prevent cracking and falling apart, leading to costly repairs.

7. Fuel Source

It is important to choose fuel appropriate for your requirements. For instance, if you’re going to purchase a wood-burning fire pit, ensure you’re using seasoned firewood so that your fire burns as efficiently as possible. If you want to use a fire pit indoors for purely visual appeal instead of producing warmth, then select natural gas or fire glass that will not produce smoke and won’t cause damage to your interiors. Natural gas burners need installed gas lines and can be much more expensive and detailed than conventional fire pits.

Get In Touch With Us

Ironbark Metal Design supplies a variety of fire pits, such as round, square, rectangle, and custom fire pit designs in different sizes to suit your backyard. Whether you require a metal fire pit, wood-burning fire pit, BBQ pit or a custom metal fire pit design in Sydney, contact us at Ironbark Metal Design at 02 4229 2222, and we’ll be delighted to assist you.

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